My Maps

In this page, you will find my map portfolio. I created my first maps in my undergraduate classes.  As part of my internship, I had the chance to publish the maps I created that time. Following my master's degree, I have created more maps as part of my coursework. Now, I create maps with data which I find interesting to be visualized.

Residents in Lower Layer Super Output Areas.

Deprivation Index in Lower Layer Super Output Areas (where 1 is the most deprived area).

Total need for green space in Lower Layer Super Output Areas.

Green spaces in Greater Manchester.

Private gardens and parks in Greater Manchester.


Earthquakes in the Richter scale ( >6.0, 4.5-6, < 4.5), volcanos, faults and volcanic arcs)

The islands of Greece

Population changes on the Greek islands from 1951 to 2011 (From very low decrease to very high).

Aging index in 2011 on Greek islands.

Level of education on Greek islands. (Low level of education - primary to high school, high level - University degree and above).

 "Number of beds" (tourist accommodation) on Greek islands.

 Mean days of staying in hotels in 2013. 

Natura 2000 areas in Greece.